Sunday, 6 May 2012

Vang Vieng - Rocket Festival...

Well they have this rocket festival where they go onto a small island and just launch rockets from these podiums they've made and its probably the most dangerous thing i've seen. Nothing is governed or regulated and they just let them off and they fly everywhere and anywhere and land in the mountains and in the river and back-fire and all sorts - it was quite something to see! Plus there are hundreds of people around, its quite amazing!

This is the festival.

Here is a picture of one of the rockets!

Look at the street food! I thought "walky talky's" were something I left behind in SA - clearly chicken feet and heads are a hit in Asia!

Merry go round - just placed somewhere. There are places right next to each other each with blaring music, all different, you can't even hear yourself think!

Oh, Look! the Police.... drinking whiskey buckets in their uniforms on duty...I suppose it is pretty similar to SA!

The judges panel, deciding which rocket did the most damage and caused the most chaos wins!

Oh wow! Sober locals...

Baby rockets and cowboy hats! What a combo!

More street food. How delish...Would you???????

Just have a look at the size of these rockets, these guys don't play games!

Teams of rocket launchers climb up and tie the thing to a wooden structure and then its lights, camera, action and hopefully all goes according to plan and everyone stays unharmed! 

Getting ready for lift-off! 

This is a video of a rocket that launches straight into the hillside and fire and smoke are all that are left behind!

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